Reasons for Root Canal Therapy
Oral Surgery
July 14, 2021
Root canal therapy is necessary when the soft tissue inside your root canal (the pulp) is inflamed or infected. Deep tooth decay, faulty crowns, repeated dental procedures and cracked or chipped teeth...
How to Eat After Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery
June 2, 2021
The idea of dental surgery procedures such as wisdom teeth removal, regular tooth extractions, or dental implant placement can be unsettling. However, with proper preparation, you can have a smooth ex...
What is Considered Oral Surgery?
Oral Surgery
April 21, 2021
Oral surgery successfully treats many different health conditions and diseases. Your dentist may also recommend oral surgery to correct the appearance of teeth and the surrounding bone structure. Whil...
Dentist vs. Oral Surgeon: What is the Difference?
Oral Surgery
March 10, 2021
Dentistry is a vast field, and every condition requires specific attention. Choosing the right professional for your oral health requires an understanding of the various specializations. If you experi...